Friday, March 30, 2018

Morocco Dessert

Hey Guys, Happy good friday ! 

I'm so excited for today's post because of how popular and aromatic mediterranean food are.we are covering a tasty dessert "Chebakia" also called Griwech or M'kharqa originated in Morocco. This special dish is similar to fried dough and usually prepared during Ramadan. 

Ingredients: Almond flour, egg , yeast and orange blossom for the dough.  Baking powder, Salt, ground anise, cinnamon , saffron, turmeric, Olive oil, Vegetable oil, honey and sesame seeds to decorate. 

Check out a full video on youtube on Chebakia recipe !

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Pigeon Pie

Instead of a Moroccan chicken pie from the post below, this magnificent country is also know for their pie made with pigeon. According to the article, "Moroccan Pigeon Pie" where they explained how this delicate meal is made. The ingredients consist of almonds, eggs, sugar, cinnamon and eggs (Saveur 2014). This is a very simple and unique dish. Let us know in the comments below if you have ever tried it!

The YouTube video below is by Ted's HoldOver showing his viewers how to make pigeon pie in a matter of minutes.

This video below shows Andrew Zimmerman visiting Marrakech, Morocco where he experiments dozens of Bizarre Foods.  

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Moroccan Main Dish

Hey everyone, it's Wednesday so it's time to talk about a main dish!
This week's theme is Moroccan food so let's jump right in. :3

Chicken Bastilla
This is also known as Pastilla, and it's Morocco's version of a savory pie! It's traditionally made with pigeon, but chicken is also a good choice. The pie is seasoned with saffron, ginger, pepper, and cinnamon. It is then layered with a werqa dough. Let's not forget that there's also a crunchy layer of toasted almonds!
Learn how to make your own Chicken Bastilla here! The instructions are detailed and easy to follow, so please check out this video and the rest of the channel!

That's all there is for today folks, thanks for listening and remember to follow us to keep up with out latest updates!

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Lamb Brains

Image result for lamb head

Feeling adventurous?  If you are ever in Morocco cruising the street, you may want to try a signature dish, a lamb head sandwich. According to the street vendor featured in the YouTube video assigned to this post, he picks up 50-60 lamb heads everyday from his supplier.  He also states that it is very healthy, pure meat.  And since it is cooked from the steam of boiling water, all the grease is cooked out of the skull.  Just at his small street stand he has on average 150 customers a day.  Although street food, lamb head is considered a delicacy in Morocco, and can be purchased for only 15 durhams, 0r ($2 dollars).  I just might try it, would you?  Let us know what you think in the comments section below.

Monday, March 26, 2018

Traditional Moroccan Breakfast

Traditional Moroccan Breakfast

Today we will be preparing a traditional Moroccan Breakfast. It has Moroccan pan bread Rghayef, Moroccan pancakes, also some sides dishes that are normally served with in the Beldi Breakfast; such as olive oil, olive, and french cheese. I hope you will enjoy this article.

We will start by making the Rghayef because it takes long time to make. Mixing a large bowl of semolina flour, all purpose flour, a teaspoon salt, and a pinch of yeast together then add warm water till a dough is formed and knead the dough till soft and elastic. Oil the bowl lightly before hand then form dough to medium size ball and oil the ball well. Oil the work surface lightly, spread out the dough, and oiling them at the same time to prevent from tearing. Sprinkling with fine semolina and salt then fold to a square. After all balls shaped to square, set aside to rest and waiting 30 minutes to cook.

Next, let's make the baghrir. Adding the fine semolina, salt, yeast, and warm water to a bowl and mix them. Then add a whole egg, baking powder, and more water to mix them well and lend them. Allow it rest 15-30 minutes then cook it.

Friday, March 23, 2018

Chinese Mooncake

This Friday, We are covering a traditional Chinese dessert 
"Mooncake" also known as the mooncake festival. They come in round shape which symbolize reunion in Chinese culture.It is a delicacy served at the Mid-Autumn festival during Lunar month and shared among family and friends. 

Main Ingredients: Lotus seed paste or red bean paste for filling. pastry crust made with Salted egg yolks. On top they have traditional Chinese  character to represent harmony 
History:  A legend is that rebels used mooncakes during the ruling of mongol as a way to conceal messages. 
Fun fact: Based on tradition, they pile 13 small mooncakes on top of each other to mimic a pagoda while the number represent the 13 lunar months.
Check out this video on youtube for the recipe !!

Thursday, March 22, 2018

China's Most Interesting Bites

Hello all! Here is a list of China's most interesting dishes.

Fried Scorpions
In the article, "10 Bizarre Foods to Eat in China" by Rach in which he described a list of China's most popular usual dishes that are common in that country. To start off, the author described the natives in China would commonly eat scorpions. Scorpions are normally sold through street vendors, and are fried and topped with salt and chilli spice. Most people say scorpions taste like chicken, so that does not sound so bad, right?

Fried Smelly Tofu
In the YouTube video below by Shipai ducho, we have our favorite food critic, Andrew Zimmerman tasting his first Chinese tofu. In reference to the article, "What is Stinky Tofu" by Rory Boland,  described this tofu as having a strong and distinct smell similar to blue cheese because it has been stored from weeks to a number of months before serving it. The ingredients of this dish consists of: fish, meat, milk and vegetable (Boland 2017). The article goes on to explained that this tofu is deep fried and the smell worsens when the it is cold. Boland suggest that if you are interested in trying "stinky tofu", to visit the origins of "Taiwan, Shanghai, Hong Kong" (Boland 2017).

Antique Duck Egg (1000 Years Old) 
Although this antique duck egg found in China has a strong smell, it does not have such a foul smell as the "stinky tofu". Referring back to the Rach's article, he described that this Chinese duck egg is stored for approximately 100 days before distributed to eat. Before it is stored, the outside layer of the egg is covered in these ingredients in order for it to maintain its flavor: "mud, lime and ashes" (Rach 2016). instead of this egg smelling old cheese, Rach mentioned that it taste like cheese with soft texture. 
The YouTube video below is by emmymadeninjapan where she mixed the duck egg with another rice porridge. She shows how to eat where it won't upset the stomach.  

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Chinese Main Dish

Hey everyone!
It's Wednesday so we'll be talking about a Chinese Main Dish....

Dim Sum!
So this is a type of Chinese Cuisine that's prepared and served as small bite sized pieces. They can be anything from dumplings, steamed buns, or rice noodle rolls.
Don't let their small sizes fool you, if you can easily get full trying out all the different Dim Sum!
It's like they say, "Good things come in small packages" amIright???
This Youtuber may seem familiar to all of you and it's because we mentioned him before in one of our Japanese blogs! 
In this video, Mike Chen goes over the 13 classic Dim Sum Dishes you should try! He goes into detail when explaining their taste, texture, and even the best way to eat them. 
Mike Chen is such a bro, please check out his food channel, he has a lot of great content!

...And there you have it, the Chinese Dish of the day!
(Sorry we had to cut it short again Loves, it's Midterm week over here. Hope you understand! <3) 
Remember to keep following us on all our social media to see all of our latest updates!

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Another Top Five

Cooked Dumplings in White Ceramic Bowl

Here we go again, with another list of five delicious street foods.  This time from China.  Thanks to we have a great video where they have narrowed down hundreds of street foods to a top five list, so you know each one must be amazing.  According to the guide, the street vendors are so talented that it can be even more fun watching them prepare the meal, than it is to eat them.  Also that sampling the street foods is the best way to immerse yourself into the culture. Below is the list of the five dishes, as well as the link to the YouTube video, where you can watch the vendors prepare these mouth watering signature Chinese dishes, enjoy!!

1) Jian Bing (Crepe)
2) Shou Zhua Bing (Hand Wrapped Pancake)
3) Jiaozi (Steamed Dumplings) 
4) Huoguo (Skewers)
5) Rou Jia Mo (Meat Sandwich)

Monday, March 19, 2018

Chinese Breakfast Choices For American

Chinese Breakfast Choices For American
What breakfast should eat when you travel in China as a American? As a Chinese international student who has studied in America over four years, I learn a lot of what flavors and dishes American like about Chinese cuisine from my local friends. For example, most of American like sweet and sour flavor when they are eating Chinese dishes, and they like dishes come from south part of China more than north. According to those knowledge, I am ready to give you some solid advice about how to choice Chinese Break.

First of all, "Baozi" is my favorite breakfast. I often introduce this food to my American friends as Chinese hamburger. Baozi has many different types. The exterior of Baozi is made by dough, you can put anything in it, like meat, vegetables, surge, beans, and so on. Then it will be steamed. Most American would like sweet Baozi. They are not only looks good but also delicious.
Secondly, boiled eggs with tea is a breakfast seems easy to make, but skilled chief will make it way better tasty than normal one. Making right soup to boil eggs is the key. Basically, the soup is made by hot water, tea, soy, and other seasonings, but how to balance them needs experiences to find out. 
Lastly, there must a drink to be part of Chinese breakfast. Most people would think tea is that drink same as American like drinking coffee in the morning. Unfortunately, that is not true. We drink soybean milk as part of breakfast.
Related image
Honestly, I have looked many videos on Youtude. I didn't find any one that presents Chinese breakfast well. I will trying to make one when I back to China. If you want to watch the better video about Chinese breakfast. Don't hesitate to subscribe our channels. I will post link of that video. Bye!

Friday, March 16, 2018

French Dessert ( Crêpe Suzette)

Bonjour mes amies!

Today on the blog, we will talk about a delicious french dessert called "crêpe Suzette". It is made with Crêpe (flour, egg, salt sugar milk, milk,butter) and for the sauce ( orange juice,sugar,orange liqueur,orange zest, vanilla ice cream)

Story: They have two different stories about the origin of it. one is in 1895 from a mistake made by 14yr old assistant waiter who was preparing dessert for King Edward VII of the UK and whose guest was a french girl named Suzette.The other story claimed that the waiter Henry charpentier got the recipe from his foster mother and added the orange liqueur to the recipe later on. Then, he went on and named it " Crêpe suzette" after a french actress Suzanne Reichenberg.

Fun fact: Early January, I went to Paris and they are selling crêpe in every corner. They had banana crêpe and even Nutella flavor. I couldn't stop myself and compare it to the way we have Starbucks and Dunkin' donuts in every corner. 

Check out this video below for full detail !!

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Parisians and Snails

Since this week is dedicated to French cuisine, we will discuss some of the most interesting yet common dishes Parisians eat. Parisians are known for eating escargot which is a fancy word for snail.  Have you ever eaten snail? I have, and it is quite delicious! In this YouTube video below by wocomoCOOK which took place in Burgundy, France interviewed a farmer who handpicked snails to cook from his land.The host in the video explained how in order for the snails to become softer when eating, it needs to be brought to boil for approximately 20 minutes. Bay leaves and salt are also add to the pot. The farmer prepared a paste of butter with parsley and garlic to put inside the snails’ shells once finished cooking. Once finished, the snails are placed in the oven to cook for about 10 minutes and then the escargot is ready to eat!

If you want to taste escargot for yourself, I would recommend visiting French American restaurant, Gaslight! Below is a photo of my escargot plate at Gaslight. 

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

French Main Dishes

Bonjour à tous!

It's Wednesday and you know what that means! It's time to talk about some main dishes, so let's jump into it!

Coq Au Vin
This is a dish with chicken that's been braised with red wine, mushrooms, garlic, and lardon (a small strip of pork fat used for flavoring). The usual seasonings for this dish consists of salt, pepper, thyme, parsley, and a bay leaf. 
Lord. Can you imagine all these wonderful flavors mingling together in such a way?

You can learn how to make this dish here with French Cooking Academy! What I like about this video is that he gives a bit of background information about the dish and how the original recipe calls specifically for Rooster meat. 
Oh, and this guy has a nice accent too, so that's always a plus!


This name of this dish may ring a bell especially if you've seen the adorable Pixar Movie Ratatouille.
Well now your childhood dreams can come to life by watching the video below on how to make it!
Here's another fun fact, this goes well with Coq Au Vin! (๑>á´—<๑)


This video is short, sweet, and to the point as this guy teaches you how to make Pixar Style Ratatouille! 
The close up shots of the food while it's in the making is just beautiful and makes your mouth water. Check out the rest of the channel to see more recipes and cooking tips!

Boeuf Bourguignon

This is also known as Beef Burgundy and it's beef that's been braised with red wine and beef broth. It is usually flavored with garlic, onions, and mushrooms.
One more important fact: Bacon is involved. What more could you possibly ask for? 

Learn how to make your own Beef Burgundy here!
I find this video somewhat relaxing to watch, it's probably because this guy has a such a calming, deep voice. His arm tattoos are also pretty sweet. Check out the rest of his channel to find more recipes!

...And that's it for today folks! Hoped you enjoyed the French dishes we talked about today, and remember to follow us so you can keep up with our latest updates! Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Banana Nutella Crepes

stock photo, food, chocolate, sweet, yummy, crepe, foodie, nutella

When you think of French food, what comes to mind?  Many of you are probably thinking crepes.  What sounds more delicious than a banana Nutella crepe, with almonds and coconut?  This is a popular French street food.  Check out this short YouTube video and watch as a French street vendor whips up this delicious snack.

Friday, March 9, 2018

ITALIAN TARTUFO ( Ice cream Truffle)

Welcome back to Friday dessert !!

For this one, I'm very excited about it because I love Italian culture and food. I mean who doesn't ? Well, it is the very famous "Tartufo" which is a chocolate, nut , or cinnamon hard shell filled with two or more ice cream flavor. In the center is a fruit which can be cherry,straberry etc..

Fun Fact: It was created 66 years ago (1952) by the king pastry's chef who ran out of desserts cups during a wedding. Then, he had the idea of creating a dessert that is its own cup.

Check out this video on youtube by Mis pastelistos for the full scoop ( Use CC)

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Would You Eat A Rotten Cheese Filled With Maggots ?
Have you tasted Agretti before? If not, Agretti is a plant that looks similar to seaweed once it is sautéed in sauce. Instead, this pant is a vegetable normally used in Italian food to add flavor to the dishes. In the YouTube video below by RiverCafe London, show a chef described that the Agretti plant tastes more like a spinach. In this video, he adds bottarga, splash of lemon, oil and pepper. The bottarga can be salty so he emphasizes on using oil reduce the amount of saltiness. This is a very simple dish, takes like then 15 minutes to make and it is delicious!

Another Italian dish to look out for is Caso Marzu. According to the video below by tubemookish, shows a co-host of famous chef, Gordon Rasmey in Italy learning how to make Casu Marzo. As the host described, this cheese is created from a sheep's milk. The milk from the sheep is then boiled to 40 degrees and then stirred until the cheese has formed. From there, the cheese is left for three months to be completely hardened. Once finished, the host mentioned how the larvae would eat the cheese so that it can produce its the unique and strong flavor. The host also added the if the cheese is not done correctly, the maggots are capable of destroying one's intestines, especially the liver.

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Italian Main Dish

Alright, it's Wednesday so it's time to talk about main dishes!
Today we'll talk about Chicken Parmigiana, also known as Chicken Parmesan! Let's get to it!

This is a pretty well known dish but for those who don't know, it's breaded chicken topped with tomato sauce, mozzarella, Parmesan, and or provolone cheese. (In this case the chicken tops the sauce XP)

You can learn to make it here in this super easy recipe tutorial! This guy is such a sweet narrator and his voice is full of character so you should really check out his channel!

...And that's it for today folks! Sorry for only posting one dish today, we'll go back to our regular 3 on Wednesdays next week, I promise! ^_^

Tuesday, March 6, 2018


Love to travel?  How about getting food on the go?  

The YouTube link below highlights five popular  street foods from Florence Italy.  A great way to get a delicious meal without the commitment of sitting down at a restaurant.  The five street foods are listed below, the short video also provides interesting details about the dishes.  Since they can do it better than I can, I will let them tell it.

stock photo, food, street, dessert, hand, chocolate, ice-cream, ice-cream-cone, gelato, frozen-dessert, chocolate-dessert, my-point-of-view, frozen-treats, italian-street, in-the-hand, italian-ice-cream, italy-gelato


Monday, March 5, 2018

Typical Italian Breakfast

In reality, Italian barely take breakfast as a meal, so Italian breakfast is very simple. You can finish them very quickly. If you are a busy worker or difficult to wake up early, Italian breakfast will be perfect for you.

The combination of Italian breakfast is a croissant and a cup of coffee. Italian's favorite traditional breakfast beverage is cappuccino. As you know, the inspire of Starbucks' business model is come from Italian coffee shop. Also, in America, most of popular coffee are Italian style coffee. The most popular Italian breakfast food is cornetto (croissant). It has different fillings, for example, chocolate, strawberry, cream, and so on.

I often eat breakfast with a cup of coffee and a croissant. Until now, I know that is Italian style. I believe many people don't know that neither. Please ask people surround you what is Italian breakfast. If they do not know, surprise them.

Friday, March 2, 2018

Gulab Jamun ( Indian Doughnut)


On the blog today we are covering a very exciting sweet recipe called " Gulab Jamun" originated In Indian Subcontinent. It is also popular around Eastern Africa, some part of the caribbean and countries like Pakistan, Bangladesh. Let's get to the ingredients and preparation y'all !

Main Ingredients: Milk, Flour ( optional) and Chashni ( Sugary Syrup), Khoya, Saffron. You can of course customize it a bit with your favorites ( chocolate...)

Fun fact : It is known that it was accidentally prepared by the emperor's personal chef. In India, they mostly consume it during  celebrations such as " The Indian festival of light", weddings and birthdays.

Check out this cool video from Grandpa Kitchen on Youtube on how to prepare Gulab Jamun. Enjoy!! 

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Chutney With a Sprinkle of Red Ants !?

Have you ever eaten red ants? If not, maybe this video will spark your taste buds ?


Chutney is a simple ingredient that makes a remarkable difference to an Indian dish. According to the article, "Pantry Essentials: All About Chutney" By Andrew Wheeler, a mango chutney is composed of yogurt, mint, green chilli and cilantro. This sauce is is occasionally added on top to any dishe, although most prefer adding spices to it to heighten up the flavor just like Gordon Ramsay's video below.

The video below shows our favorite chef and food critic, Gordon Ramsay in the mist of the jungle in Bastar, India tasting a homemade chutney dish. Ramsay described that the food collected are: red ants, red ant eggs, salt, ginger and red chilly. The blood sucking ants are enriched with protein and it is a regular source of food for many India.

Lamb Brain

Eating the brain of a lamb is a another common plate you will find in India. Writer, Sushmita Sengupta from the article, "Bheja Fry, The Spicy Goat Brain Dish Which Is Hyderabad's Speciality". Sengupta described the ingredients to this dish consists of: pistachios, almonds, cilantro, egg, chilli sauce, and "Graham Marsala" (Sengupta, 201) and spices. The video below shows, Vahchef prepping the Bheja Fry.