Friday, March 16, 2018

French Dessert ( Crêpe Suzette)

Bonjour mes amies!

Today on the blog, we will talk about a delicious french dessert called "crêpe Suzette". It is made with Crêpe (flour, egg, salt sugar milk, milk,butter) and for the sauce ( orange juice,sugar,orange liqueur,orange zest, vanilla ice cream)

Story: They have two different stories about the origin of it. one is in 1895 from a mistake made by 14yr old assistant waiter who was preparing dessert for King Edward VII of the UK and whose guest was a french girl named Suzette.The other story claimed that the waiter Henry charpentier got the recipe from his foster mother and added the orange liqueur to the recipe later on. Then, he went on and named it " Crêpe suzette" after a french actress Suzanne Reichenberg.

Fun fact: Early January, I went to Paris and they are selling crêpe in every corner. They had banana crêpe and even Nutella flavor. I couldn't stop myself and compare it to the way we have Starbucks and Dunkin' donuts in every corner. 

Check out this video below for full detail !!

1 comment:

  1. Hmmmm that looks so good, but chocolate crepes are my best.
