Thursday, March 15, 2018

Parisians and Snails

Since this week is dedicated to French cuisine, we will discuss some of the most interesting yet common dishes Parisians eat. Parisians are known for eating escargot which is a fancy word for snail.  Have you ever eaten snail? I have, and it is quite delicious! In this YouTube video below by wocomoCOOK which took place in Burgundy, France interviewed a farmer who handpicked snails to cook from his land.The host in the video explained how in order for the snails to become softer when eating, it needs to be brought to boil for approximately 20 minutes. Bay leaves and salt are also add to the pot. The farmer prepared a paste of butter with parsley and garlic to put inside the snails’ shells once finished cooking. Once finished, the snails are placed in the oven to cook for about 10 minutes and then the escargot is ready to eat!

If you want to taste escargot for yourself, I would recommend visiting French American restaurant, Gaslight! Below is a photo of my escargot plate at Gaslight. 

1 comment:

  1. Snail actually taste really good, awesome that you tried it!
