
Hello too our lovely followers! Thank You So Much for stopping by our recipes page, we really appreciate it! Okay so we will cut to the chase since that is what you are here for right? Now lets leak some receipts...RECIPES!

Vegetable Ground Beef

Ground beef
black pepper
diced onions
canned corn
canned peas 
diced carrots
black olive
green onions
Okay so we prepared this beef by seasoning it with garlic, salt and black pepper. We then sauté the beef for about five minutes on medium heat until the water evaporated. We then added the onions until it turned golden brown. After we added the carrots, peas, corn, olives, parsley and green onions.  Lower the heat, cover and cook, stirring it occasionally, for 15 minutes or until thickened and the vegetables soften. 

Roasted Beef and Potatoes

Ingredients:1 piece of bottom round beef (about 2 to 3 pounds) salt, black pepper, crushed garlic, balsamic vinegar, olive oil, potatoes and onions.

Preparation:1. In a bowl, season the meat at least two hours in advance. Add salt, pepper, paprika and thyme through the meat. Next, add the vinegar and the olive oil. Cover the meat with plastic and then refrigerate it. Remove from the refrigerator half an hour before baking.

2. Pre-heat the oven to 450 degrees. Meanwhile, wash the potatoes well, cut them in half and cook it in salted water. When it began to boil, let it cook for 5 minutes and then turn off the heat. Drain the water and set it aside. Cut the onions into petals and set aside.3. Place the beef in pan and bake it at 450 degrees. Bake at this temperature for 15 minutes, so the meat is well stained and sealed from the outside. Then reduce the temperature to 355 degrees, cover it with foil and bake for about 1 hour and 15 minutes. Then remove the foil, add the potatoes and onions. On the potatoes and onions pour a small amount of olive oil and season it with salt and pepper. Return to the oven and let it roast for another 15 to 20 minutes (if you bake too much, the meat will become hard).4. Remove the meat from the oven and let it stand for 5 minutes. To serve, slice and bring to the table with potatoes and onions.

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