Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Another Top Five

Cooked Dumplings in White Ceramic Bowl

Here we go again, with another list of five delicious street foods.  This time from China.  Thanks to MonkeyAbroad.com we have a great video where they have narrowed down hundreds of street foods to a top five list, so you know each one must be amazing.  According to the guide, the street vendors are so talented that it can be even more fun watching them prepare the meal, than it is to eat them.  Also that sampling the street foods is the best way to immerse yourself into the culture. Below is the list of the five dishes, as well as the link to the YouTube video, where you can watch the vendors prepare these mouth watering signature Chinese dishes, enjoy!!

1) Jian Bing (Crepe)
2) Shou Zhua Bing (Hand Wrapped Pancake)
3) Jiaozi (Steamed Dumplings) 
4) Huoguo (Skewers)
5) Rou Jia Mo (Meat Sandwich)

1 comment:

  1. Is there any place in Boston where i can find something similar to these dishes?
