Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Moroccan Main Dish

Hey everyone, it's Wednesday so it's time to talk about a main dish!
This week's theme is Moroccan food so let's jump right in. :3

Chicken Bastilla
This is also known as Pastilla, and it's Morocco's version of a savory pie! It's traditionally made with pigeon, but chicken is also a good choice. The pie is seasoned with saffron, ginger, pepper, and cinnamon. It is then layered with a werqa dough. Let's not forget that there's also a crunchy layer of toasted almonds!
Learn how to make your own Chicken Bastilla here! The instructions are detailed and easy to follow, so please check out this video and the rest of the channel!

That's all there is for today folks, thanks for listening and remember to follow us to keep up with out latest updates!

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