Thursday, April 5, 2018

Beetle Juice, Beetle Juice, Beetle Juice!

In this article, "Top 10 Weird Vietnamese Dishes" by Viet Fun Travel listed the most daring plates found in Vietnam. The article said that it is common for villagers to eat living beetles in Vietnam which are normally sold by streets vendors or in restaurants. The "coconut beetle larva" dish is doused with fish sauce, coconut stem, and glutinous rice (2017). The article stated that these beetles can be the length of five centimeters! While they are normally served alive, the author suggested that they could be eaten grilled or boiled as well.

This Youtube video below by, The Food Ranger, shows the host visiting Saigon, Vietnam and tasting several interesting dishes!.

Our next favorite food critic, Best Ever Food Review Show is taste his first ever waterbug,  fried worm pancake and fried quails! 
Photo By: Judy Gallagher

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