Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Vietnamese Main Dishes

Hello everyone!
It's Wednesday so it's time to talk about some Vietnamese Main Dishes! As a Viet person myself, I can say that I'm super excited about this week's theme. X3
Let's jump right into it!

Bún riêu
This is a traditional Vietnamese meat, rice vermicelli soup this is often served with tomato broth and freshwater crab. It is also topped with various garnishes such as spearmint, bean sprouts, scallions and so much more. Learn how to make it in the video below!
Gotta be honest here, Tammy's voice is more on the quiet side so you might want to turn up the volume on this one. On the bright side, you get a good look at how the dish is made with plenty of foodnographic close up shots. Her recipe is also easy to follow as well, so check out the rest of her channel!

Bún thịt nướng
This pretty much translates to vermicelli with grilled meat, and LORD, it is delicious. What I love most about this dish is how filling, yet light it is. You get all the flavor from the grilled pork and fish sauce, but you also get the fresh, crisp taste of all the fresh herbs mixed into it. Put it all together and you get a dish that fresh, flavorful, and fragrant with every bite!
Helen, please tone it down with the foodnographic images before you get flagged for adult content on Youtube!
Or maybe not. I really appreciate all this close up shots of food and I'm sure everyone else will too.
What are you waiting for?! Go learn how to make your own sexy bún thịt nướng!

Bánh canh cua
Bánh canh is basically a THICC Vietnamese noodle made out of tapioca flour. Bánh canh CUA, however, is a crab soup that is served with these noodles and it is also hella THICC. This one is a personal favorite of mine and you can learn make it in the video below!
Again, more explicit close ups of food~!
This video is shorter than the other ones but it's just as informative and does NOT skimp out on the food porn. 
So check out the video and the rest of this Youtube channel to see more Vietnamese Dishes!

And that's it for today folks!
I could easily go on and talk about another 10 dishes but that would take all day. ^^;
I love Vietnamese food THAT much, okay!? Don't judge!
Anyways, be sure to follow us on all our social media to keep up with our latest updates!
Have a good day, y'all!

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