Thursday, April 12, 2018

Mexico's Jaw Dropping Dishes

Mexico is known for it's spicy and enriching dishes, but have you tried these interesting plates? In the article, "8 weird Things You Can Eat in Mexico That Are Actually Really Good" by Susannah Rig listed that Mexicans are known for eating grasshopper. She compared eating grasshoppers to eating chips or tostitos. Rig even recommended that adding guacamole (Rig) can boost its flavor!

The video below is by one of our favorite food critics, The Food Ranger who visited the streets of Mexico and tasted his first Pickled Cow Feet with a dash of jalapeƱos!

The video below is by YouTuber, Explore with Cody who visited Mexico and tasted soup made out of cow stomach and cow brain tacos!!! Check out their video and let us know if you are curious to take a bite! 

Photo Credit: Torrenegra

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