Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Portuguese Main Dishes

Happy Wednesday Everyone!
It's time to talk about some Portuguese main dishes, so let's get right to it!

Cataplana de Marisco
This is a traditional seafood dish that originated from Algarve, the southern region of Portugal. It is often cooked in a cataplana, which is a specific kind of cookware that is used to prepare seafood in Algarve. It is usually served with rice or chips. 
You can see more of the ingredients in this video. There are various different kinds of seafood being used in this dish such as razor clams, prawns, and octopus. I bet this dish is not only aesthetically pleasing, but it's delicious too! 

Pastéis de Bacalhau
This is one of the more popular dishes of Portuguese cuisine, and for good reason. It uses one of the country's signature ingredients, bacalhau, which is salted cod. This is another dish that can be served with rice. Learn how to make it in the video below! 

This video is easy to follow and involves a lot of close up shots of food. Be sure to check out the rest of the channel for more Portuguese recipes!


This is a Portuguese sandwich that is made with bread, cured ham, sausage, and steak. It is then topped with melted cheese, tomato, and beer sauce. And here's a major bonus: it's served with fries. 
Here's the recipe video on how to make it! It's short, straight forward, and easy to follow. Check this channel out, you can find even more Portuguese recipes here!

And that's all for today folks! Remember to follow us on all our social media so you can keep up with our newest posts!

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