Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Korean Main Dishes

It's Wednesday so here's some Korean Main dishes coming your way!

The name literally translates to "mixed rice", and it's basically a hot bowl of white rice topped with various vegetables, sliced meat, and a fried egg. It's meant to be stirred up right before eating so all the flavors can mix and mingle. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 
Learn how to make your very on in the video below!

When it comes to the list of smiles I want to protect, Seonkyoung longest is definitely within my top ten. Not only is this woman gorgeous, she's cute, funny, and one hell of a great chef! I personally love her channel and she's taught me how to make quite a few Asian dishes, which I am very thankful for. 
Her videos are visually appealing and easy to follow. Many close ups of food are also included. Please, check her out! She's wonderful!

Korean Fried Chicken AKA Dakgangjeong
This chicken is double fried.
Now before we take our heartburn medication let me explain, the chicken is seasoned with various spices, and lightly battered. After being fried twice the skin is crunchier and even LESS greasy than American fried chicken. It is finally coated with sauce (your choice) before being served. 
I am a huge fan of Korean Fried Chicken myself and from my experience, it has always been crunchier on the outside and jucier on the inside than other styles of fried chicken. Definitely give this one a chance.
Maangchi is honestly so adorable and captivating. She looks cute in pretty much every video she makes. But fashion choices aside, she makes great cooking videos as well. Check out her channel if you want to explore more Korean Recipes!

Now this one translates to "fire meat" because the marinated meat, usually pork or beef, is cooked on a barbecue or griddle. Sounds simple, but aren't those the best things in life?
Jia Choi is a sweet woman and does an awesome job in showing you how to make your own bulgogi. The crisp chopping, and sweet sizzling sounds of this video make trigger your ASMR senses, so that's a possible plus! Check out this channel to see more chefs and recipes!

And that's it for today folks! Hope you enjoyed the dishes we talked about today and remember to follow us to keep up with our latest posts! Thanks for reading and have a good day!

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