Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Indian Main Dishes

Okay everyone, it's Wednesday and you know what that means?
It's time to talk about Indian Main Dishes!
Let's get right to it. :p

Aloo Gobi
This is a vegetarian dish made with cauliflower, potatoes, and Indian spices. It has a beautiful yellow color because of the use of turmeric. Other ingredients could include fresh garlic, coriander, onion, and ginger. Of course there are various ways to play it up to your liking, but check out the video below to see how Ruchi Bharani does it in her tutorial!
In this video, the lovely Ruchi shows you just how you can make your own Aloo Gobi dish! This tutorial, is short, sweet, and to the point. Also, close up shots of the food as its cooking is just beautiful. Check out the rest of Ruchi's channel if you want to learn how to cook more Indian Dishes!

Chicken Biryani
Biryani is a rice dish that's packed full of spices, meat, and of course, RICE! 
Random fact: one theory states that the name comes from birinj, the Persian word for rice. Another states that it derives from biryan, or beriyan, which means to fry or roast
Either way, it's a beautiful rice dish, and you can learn to make it!
This is another easy tutorial, only this time, it's taught by The Bombay Chef, Varun Inamdar, who is also the the author of "Celebrate Life, Food and Wine". Don't forget, he is also the head of the Chocolate Factory Ecuador. And also, he's served former President Barack Obama before.
And also, this guy is just awesome, okay? Watch his tutorial to see for yourself!

Chicken Tikka Masala
This is a dish consisting of marinated chicken and spicy curry sauce. As with several other Indian food, this one is full of spices, giving this dish a flavorful punch! Learn how to make it by watching the video below!
Full list of ingredient in the video as well as description, close up shot of the food as it's cooked from beginning to end, easy instructions to listen to, what more could you possibly want?! Chef Kanak has an entire channel to making tutorial like these, so please check it out!

...And that's it for today folks! Three Indian Dishes you now know about and should definitely try! Thanks for reading and and be sure to follow us to keep up with our latest updates!

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